Our enterprise has a full set of documents for the manufacture and sale of welding electrodes.



1. Certificate of VERITAS for the quality management system ISO 9001-2015.

сертификат бюро Веритас

2. Certificate of the State Shipping Register of Ukraine.

Морской реестр УкраиныМорской реестр УкраиныМорской реестр Украины



4. Certificate of NNEGC “Energoatom”.

сертификат НАЭК Энергоатом



5.  Certificate of  VdTÜV-Merkblatt Schweißtechnik 1153:2017.

In addition, our company can produce electrodes according to individual specifications and technical requirements of the customer.  We are carrying out an independent work on a continuous improvement of welding and technological properties of already developed grades and working out new and unique grades of electrodes.